Kim Brown Behavioral Therapist, NeuroRestorative Kentucky
Grant Recipient, Natalie’s Sisters

Natalie’s Sisters is an outreach, referral, and resource ministry for women working in the sex industry in Lexington, Kentucky. Kim Brown began volunteering with the organization about 6 years ago through a ministry in her church. Kim gives several hours each week to help the volunteer-run organization reach hurting, abused and exploited women.

Each week Kim takes home-cooked meals to the women working on the streets and in the clubs. These meals open the doors for volunteers to offer the women other supports in order to better their lives. Kim has developed relationships with many of the women and serves as a support system. She educates them about community resources, takes them to the hospital, or just lets them know that they are not alone and someone cares for them.

Women are also invited to a center which is a “mobile unit” located in the middle of the neighborhood where the women work. The center gives the women a place to go during the day to make phone calls, set up appointments, speak with other women about issues, and share meals together.

“By working with Natalie’s Sisters, Kim is helping the community fight sex trafficking by offering unconditional support to women in need,” said Jennifer Allen, Clinical Director, NeuroRestorative Kentucky. “The community is better off each time Kim comes into contact with a woman at a club or working the streets. She shows these women that there are other options and that there are people ready to support them.”

“I enjoy working directly with the women and seeing some of them make life-changing decisions to start new lives,” said Kim. “It is extremely rewarding when the women are excited to see me and hug me when I come to drop off a meal. There are always going to be some stories that aren’t so successful, but those little glimmers of hope keep me going.”

To learn more about Natalie’s Sisters, please visit their Facebook page at